Holy Thee !
In 2002 God had an image problem in Singapore. That was the challenge presented by a network of 150 Christian churches in Singapore called the Love Singapore Movement. It commissioned Ogilvy to plan an advertising campaign for God himself. Research proved that many people in Singapore understood God to be totally unapproachable. The agency’s job was to create a new image of God – someone with a sense of humor. A killjoy schoolmaster was to be repositioned into someone you wouldn’t mind putting on the guest list of your dinner party. Someone who talks to people in his own way, with wit, irony, humor.
Ogilvy used a variety of media – billboards, bus ads, e-mail, TV commercials and SMSs.
These are only some examples of God’s messages presented around the city:
“I was thinking of making the world black and white. Then I thought . . . naaah.” God
“What do I have to do to get your attention? Take an ad out in the paper?” God (a newspaper ad)
“I hate rules. That’s why I only made ten of them.” God (on billboards)
“Please don’t drink and drive. You’re not quite ready to meet me yet.” God (on buses)
“I could make you click here. But I believe in free will.” God (internet banners ad)
“Thank me, it’s Friday” God (sms on Friday)
“Coming over to my place tomorrow? God (sms on Saturday)
“I grew this apple especially for you.” God (little stickers on fruits)
“Bring your umbrella, I might water the plants today.” God
“Nietzsche’s dead.” God (wordplay with a Nietzsche’s famous slogan: God is dead.)
I am everywhere - God(in subways)
The campaign was extremely successful — and won a number of international awards.
A person in charge of the campaign was Eugene Cheong from Ogilvy, a lifelong Christian, who said: “Let’s just say that I knew the product very well. After almost 20 years in the business, finally, there was a product I could believe in.”
What is interesting, the TV campaign was banned by the Singapore’s government that is hyper-sensitive about religious issues. That was a genuine creativity exam for Ogilvy. But they found a solution. They painted buses with the ads, sent sms messages, printed T-shirts, distributed over a million postcards and plan to publish a book of quotes from the campaign. Furthermore, they have gone hi-tech, with a cutting-edge website that presented all the creative ides as well as genuine testimonies of believers.
Ironically, through these interactive channels, the campaign had reached more people and more effectively than they could have through traditional media. Various other sources have also adapted the idea. Many more examples like the one's below exist.
1. Let's Meet At My House Sunday Before the Game - God
2. C'mon Over And Bring The Kids - God
3. What Part of "Thou Shalt Not..." Didn't You understand? - God
4. We Need To Talk - God
5. Keep Using My Name in Vain And I'll Make Rush Hour Longer - God
6. Loved The Wedding, Invite Me To The Marriage - God
7. That "Love Thy Neighbor" Thing, I Meant It. - God
8. I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You ... - God
9. Will The Road You're On Get You To My Place? - God
10. Follow Me. - God
11. Big Bang Theory, You've Got To Be Kidding. - God
12. My Way Is The Highway. - God
13. Need Directions? - God
14. You Think It's Hot Here? - God
15. Tell The Kids I Love Them. - God
16. Need a Marriage Counselor? I'm Available. - God
17. Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be A Test. - God