Arre Sacchi Baat !
Read this, bear with me, its worth it...
Santa Singh gets onto a train in Delhi and calls the TT. "Sir, i am a very sound sleeper and my station comes at 4am. I would request you to ensure that i get down there. Throw me out if you have to, but just do it !". The TT agrees and Santa Singh goes to sleep. He wakes up in Chandigarh at 10am, furious. Immediately he starts shouting at the TT, who very strangely laughs at every choice word our furious surd throws at him. Perplexed onlookers ask the TT "Why are you so amused?". "I cant help it," says the TT, "I just cant stop laughing thinking about the guy who was protesting when i was throwing him out of the train at 4am !"
Now this is such a old joke (a very sad version by me, but whatever) im sure youre wondering why is it here. The reason is (or shall i say, reason are) the two conversations i heard within the last fifteen days, which made me think how much jokes rise from the local culture, or conversely, is it that all jokes become "arre sacchi baat bataon..." among society eventually.
Last month, traveling from Lucknow to Delhi, we didnt get a seat to sleep so I spent the night. Walking around in the train, i overheard two helpers talking about a incident. One guy claimed to have witness his friend getting beaten up by a passenger who needed to get off at a station in the middle of the night, but was not woken up. His friend had managed to ensure some other guy was unwillingly thrown outta the train at the other station. I just assumed this person had my dad's habit of telling every joke as if it occured to him.( I personally fail to see the charm ;) )
I never thought of this before yesterday evening, when travelling from a bus to home, i was standing near a conducter who was telling the driver this. " Yaar, sacchi baat bataon, woh jo 392 ka kalu hai na...." and proceeded to tell the exact same story of a hapless passenger, greeting the entire family of kalu with choice words, when he was not informed of his stop... and ofcourse, kalu had thrown the luggage of another gentleman off the bus. As the conducter swore that he witnessed this with his own eyes, I got thinking... was there actually a certain Santa Singh who found himself in Chandigarh, giving rise to this urban legend or was this just one of those UFO's.... everyone in Arizona knows a guy who was abducted by one.
Santa Singh gets onto a train in Delhi and calls the TT. "Sir, i am a very sound sleeper and my station comes at 4am. I would request you to ensure that i get down there. Throw me out if you have to, but just do it !". The TT agrees and Santa Singh goes to sleep. He wakes up in Chandigarh at 10am, furious. Immediately he starts shouting at the TT, who very strangely laughs at every choice word our furious surd throws at him. Perplexed onlookers ask the TT "Why are you so amused?". "I cant help it," says the TT, "I just cant stop laughing thinking about the guy who was protesting when i was throwing him out of the train at 4am !"
Now this is such a old joke (a very sad version by me, but whatever) im sure youre wondering why is it here. The reason is (or shall i say, reason are) the two conversations i heard within the last fifteen days, which made me think how much jokes rise from the local culture, or conversely, is it that all jokes become "arre sacchi baat bataon..." among society eventually.
Last month, traveling from Lucknow to Delhi, we didnt get a seat to sleep so I spent the night. Walking around in the train, i overheard two helpers talking about a incident. One guy claimed to have witness his friend getting beaten up by a passenger who needed to get off at a station in the middle of the night, but was not woken up. His friend had managed to ensure some other guy was unwillingly thrown outta the train at the other station. I just assumed this person had my dad's habit of telling every joke as if it occured to him.( I personally fail to see the charm ;) )
I never thought of this before yesterday evening, when travelling from a bus to home, i was standing near a conducter who was telling the driver this. " Yaar, sacchi baat bataon, woh jo 392 ka kalu hai na...." and proceeded to tell the exact same story of a hapless passenger, greeting the entire family of kalu with choice words, when he was not informed of his stop... and ofcourse, kalu had thrown the luggage of another gentleman off the bus. As the conducter swore that he witnessed this with his own eyes, I got thinking... was there actually a certain Santa Singh who found himself in Chandigarh, giving rise to this urban legend or was this just one of those UFO's.... everyone in Arizona knows a guy who was abducted by one.