Saturday, May 12, 2007

Solving Tough Problems

Book : Solving Tough Problems - An open way of talking, listening, and creating new realities

Author : Adam Kahane

Finally i read and finished this book in my train rides to my grandma's place. It doesnt talk about anythin revolutionary.. well about the power of talking and listening to create wonderful solutions...
i quite liked it...
think it also gave me a perspection on a few ways which we can take our discussions forward and solve all kinds of problems in our lives. While the examples in the book deal mainly with the author using his skills to solve world level problems, he keeps it real enough to apply to us.

A few quotes/lines which I liked from the book are given below. They are both the one's written by Adam and what he adapted from various sources.

" The root of not listening is knowing "

" One of the reasons that future cannot be predicted is that it can be influenced "

" People were willing to accept being free citizens on the street but serfs at work "

" If youre not part of the problem, you cannot be part of the solution "

" What is most personal is most universal "

" Our biggest impediment to hearing is our impulse to talk rather than to listen, to make a judgement rather than an observation "

" Silence has an incredible capacity to bond. You simply remain silent and nobody has to say anything. We're there, all of us together "

" The answers to difficult problems is simple, not easy "

" Conflict isnt usually the result of your rational argument vs. my rational argument. Its a result of your rational argument hitting my blind spot and vice versa. "

" If talking openly means being willing to expose to others what is inside of us, then listening openly means being willing to expose ourselves to something new from others. "

" I am not my ideas, and so, you and I can reject them without rejecting me "

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