Link : Movie-A-MinuteNow this is smart ! Someone actually sat down a created one minute versions of a whole lot of movies claiming " With our ultra-condensed versions of your favorite films, you can experience whole movies in just one minute! "
Oh my god ! Who has so much free time to do that ! Useful or Useless? You judge...
Here is ultra condensed Armageddon :
NASA Nerd NASA Bruce Willis Audience
Oh my god ! Who has so much free time to do that ! Useful or Useless? You judge...
Here is ultra condensed Armageddon :
An asteroid is coming. We are in trouble.
You must blow it up from the inside. Probably.
Let's teach drillers to be astronauts, on account of drilling is too hard for astronauts to learn.
Instead for a ninjillion dollars, we will only do it if we don't have to pay taxes anymore, because audiences can relate to that.
I can relate to that. Therefore, I love it.