Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Closet Case 1 : Lines worth reading

Been cleaning out my drawers since ive been home. Stumbled upon lots of interesting stuff and scraps of paper. Pieces of life long shelved, some long forgotten too. Would like to talk about a few of those things, and hence the Closet Case Series :).. i mean, i hope it become a series. Who knows when laziness hits me again :D

A few quotes i found :

"All photos are accurate. None of them is the truth"
"Love is the answer, but while youre waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions"

"Suffering is circumstantial : It either stops or we die"

"Concentration comes from a combination of confidence and hunger"

"If there is a heaven for me, I am sure it has a beach attached to it"

"Its a shallow life that doesnt give a person a few scars"

"God answers all the prayers. Sometimes he answers "Yes". Sometimes he answers " No". And sometimes the answer is "you got to be kidding.""

"Anyone who tells you money cant buy happiness never had any"

"How strange to use - You Only Live Once - as an excuse to throw life away"

"At times, it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if youre a fool than to open your mouth and remove all their doubts"

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